


Some people say everyone has a book in them. Others unkindly say they should leave the book where it is.

If you’re reading this, I would venture to suggest you are thinking of letting it out, but you don’t know where to go next.

Or you might have started, worked your way into a corner and are not sure where to go next.

Or you’ve finished, gone the rounds of agents and publishers to receive nothing but a heart-sinking “no”, and you’re not sure where to go next.

Recognise yourself in any of the above statements? If so, this service could be what you have been looking for.

We can work with you regardless of your level of experience and take you all the way from the idea to the priceless moment when you hold that book in your hand.

michael-cutoutMichael Malone is a qualified life coach and mentor as well as an experienced creative writing lecturer, book sales professional and multi-published author – all of which uniquely qualifies him to help you on your road to publication.

It will be hard work.

There are no shortcuts.

To apply send a sample of your writing – one page of A4 to

Once we have assessed your work as suitable for this service we will contact you to get you started on your path.


Option 1 – £90 per month

Following the submission of a pre-agreed word target, you will receive one hour of your mentor’s time in assessing a short selection of your ongoing work, a written report and up to one hour feedback on the phone/ video-call/ or face-to-face.

This service can carry on through to completion of your manuscript, if you prefer that level of continuity.

It can also be cancelled at any time, with one month’s notice.

Option 2 – One-off fee of £1,995

The opportunity to submit up to 75,000 words of prose (or 60 pages of poetry) over six sessions (12,500 words or 12 pages submitted every two months) offering you an invaluable level of feedback.

With the addition of a full editorial assessment of your final manuscript after completion of the course (worth on average £500).

We can also link you up with other associates to offer advice on your options for print, eBook formatting and the all-important cover design.

Option 3 – Coaching for NON-writers – £45 per session

Non-writers are also welcome to receive coaching/ mentoring. Together we’ll work towards finding solutions to achieve happiness, balance, purpose and creating the life you want.



• Applications are subject to a fully completed Application Form.
• Applications are assessed individually and acceptance is at the sole discretion of MJM Ink. Strong demand may mean that we are unable to accept you on to the programme. If this happens to you, please keep on working at your craft and re-apply in several months. Or consider the one-off editorial service?
• Payment must be made upfront – or by monthly standing order, set up by the client’s Bank at the client’s instructions if you are going for the monthly option.
• Submissions will be considered for fiction, poetry or non-fiction.
• Submissions must be made monthly by a deadline date mutually agreed with the mentor via email. The submission date must follow the payment date by at least five days.
Phone calls are at the mentor’s discretion.
Face to face meetings may be held if that is practicable. If this is agreed, reasonable travel expenses will be invoiced to the client
• The client can exit the course at any time by submitting a four week notice of cancellation and by cancelling the following month’s standing order.
• No refunds will be made for submissions already assessed and replied to.

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