
On his goal setting workshops …

I took part in the” Motivation Day for Writers” in Glasgow on 26 June and I am so glad that I did. The participants shared their writing experiences from “Just thinking about it” to “Already been published, but need a kickstart to get me going again”.
Michael has a calm supportive manner in his presentation of course materials and was very encouraging in drawing out the fears and aspiriations of the group. His tips for staying focussed and motivated were simple but, if put into practice, very effective. His own growing career in writing stands as a testament to how effective these can be. Michael’s passion and comitment to support aspiring writers shone throughout the session. If you have the opportunity to attend another of Michael Malone’s events I suggest that you would be crazy not to.

Cathie Devitt, Author

As a creative writing tutor …

“I was extremely fortunate to have Michael Malone as our tutor when I attended the creative writing group in the Harbour Arts Centre, Irvine for two years. Michael is an excellent tutor…well prepared, encouraging, yet also challenging. He has a tremendous warmth of personality which makes it very easy to share aspirations or new work with him. There was a huge variety of skill and writing experience in that group and something I always liked was how Michael was able to fulfil/ add something to everyone’s needs in a session. He made it fun and always brought out the best in people. I’d say anyone having Michael as a writing tutor or workshop leader would find it an enriching experience.”

Sheila Templeton, Poet

As a mentor …

“Writing’s the bit I find easy. Getting my head round the whole publishing thing? That’s something else! This is an area where Michael has so much to give. As a published author and publishing professional he has impeccable credentials for helping others find their way through this dark, scary maze. His knowledge of the industry, his patient encouragement and his innovative ideas have helped me find representation with the prestigious literary agency, Jenny Brown Associates. While I wait for the next development, it’s good to know that I can turn to Michael at any time for advice and support. “

Pat Young, Novelist

“Before I came across Michael, I knew little about writing and publishing books. I found Michael’s mentoring tremendously helpful, and my networking contacts have grown and my book has really taken off. His non-judgmental attitude and insightfulness makes it easy to approach him and ask questions. I would strongly recommend him to anyone looking for a mentor and a coach.”

Uuganaa Ramsay, Author and Campaigner

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